To be announced shortly...
قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم:
" اذا مات ابن آدم انقطع عمله إلا من ثلاث: صدقة جارية ،أو علم ينتفع به، أو ولد صالح يدعو له" "
((رواه مسلم))
Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:
The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, "When a man dies, his deeds come to an end except for three things: Sadaqah Jariyah; a knowledge which is beneficial, or a virtuous descendant who prays for him – [Muslim].
Our children are a third of our population today and our future. And when it is all said and done, our deeds end except for those three things. How about getting all three at once?
Horizon Academy Institute (HAI), a Calgary-based and CRA registered charitable organization runs the Horizon Leadership Academy KG to Grade 9 full time school, a Sunday school for Arabic, Islamic and Quran, and a Leadership Institute for youth and adult leadership programs.
We are excited to announce that our child care program and KG to grade 9 school will be relocated to a very spacious and safe school facility with over 35,000 sqf of proper educational and sport facilities. We are currently renovating the school to be in good condition for the next 15 years.
Historically, over half of our HAI’s students required bursaries of $2100/year for a total of $235K/year. With the current economy, we expect more students to require help. The current renovation will require a good push from the community in both trade help and renovation fund. We are grateful to all of HAI board members, current and former HAI advisors, friends, supporters, and families, who as usual do their best and are the first to donate both time and funds, but even with their support and cost cutting we still need your help.
Please join us on May 8th, 2021 from 2.30 to 4.30 pm to discuss how we can provide our children with Islamic leadership education. Led by Sheikh Alaa Elsayed and Omar Ewing and facilitated by Dr. Yaser Ghannam, we will explore why invest in our children, and the return for such investment.
PLEASE if there is one thing to be said, this year, it is that it is the year to give and give as much as you can possibly do. PLEASE, this RAMADAN, REMEMBER your MUSLIM Children who deserve good, Islamic education because COVID-19, insha Allah will be over, but our Children hold our tomorrow - help us help them lead us to a better future. Consider sponsoring ten children ($21,000), five children ($10,500), one child ($2100) or even one hundred dollars goes a long way to helping our families. Or if you prefer consider sponsoring the renovation of one of our classrooms in Horizon new school facility.
Finally, it is the time to give. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “Whoever does a voluntary good deed during this month [Ramadan], it is as if that person performed an obligatory good deed at another time, and whoever performs an obligatory good deed, it is as if that person performed 70 obligatory good deeds at another time.”
Scholars have confirmed that zakat – an obligatory good deed – is payable to organizations that exist to serve members of the Muslim community by educating them and teaching them the basics of their religion.
(External Site)
We thank you for your attention. God bless
Board, Horizon Academy

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Meeting ID: 810 4718 0069
Passcode: 747968

The Etymological Metaphysics of Fasting: A Reflection on the Lexical Nexus between Abstinence and Spiritual Fortification.
El-Hajj Hisham Mahmoud has studied theology, hadith, legal theory, jurisprudence, ethics, Qur'an recitation, and Arabic with scholars in Morocco, Mauritania, and Egypt. He has taught for more than a decade at Yale, Princeton, and Harvard, then left the Academy to institute Lanturna, an educational initiative that intends to establish learning collectives throughout North America. He continues to read with scholars and students in the United States. Currently, Hajj Hisham resides in Pennsylvania with his wife and four children
Join Zoom Talk:
Meeting ID: 874 9674 9302
Passcode: 189090
Iftar Celebration of Islamic Education Excllence_
Ramadan 2023

Come and join us for an Iftar and Taraweeh prayers on April 14th, 2023.
Please bring your family and join us breaking our fast, celebrating the accomplishments of our community in educational excellence and just sitting together and be grateful to the Almighty Allah for all His blessings.
Please note that this is NOT A FUNDRAISER, however, sponsorships going towards the Iftar is highly recommended, appreciated and will be recognized.
Please use the link below to reserve your seat.
Adult - $25
Children ( 12 yrs old & under) - $15.
Sponsor a table for 10 - $1000/table.
limited number of seats!
Buy Your Ticket:
Horizon Academy Annual Fundraiser 2021

Zoom link:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 88380618576
Passcode: 460639
Sheikh Alaa Elsayed
Sheikh Alaa was born in Cairo and lived in Egypt until he was 15 years old. During his youth, he spent his time as the goalie for the Junior National Team and moved to Toronto, Canada in the late 1970’s.
Sheikh Alaa worked as Vice-President of Business Development for an international company and during this time he competed and was placed first in the 1992 Bermuda Triathlon. He also trained in conflict resolution, crisis management, six sigma, communication skills, advance train the trainer, and inclusion training. He teaches Home Sweet Home and Parenting Matters courses for AlKauthar Institute around the world.
Sheikh Alaa studied for his Bachelors in Shariah from the American International University and earned a scholarship from the Shari'ah Academy/Mishkah University in Florida. Sheikh Alaa has also received his ijaÂzah of Quran recitation for Hafs an Asim and studied comparative religion for five years through the IPCI in South Africa. He was on the board of directors of the World Assembly of Muslim Youth.
Sheikh Alaa currently lives in GTA (Greater Toronto Area) with his wife and three children. He is a member of the Canadian Council of Imams as well as a member of Horizon Interfaith Communication Media Council. Prior to this, he was an Imam for the Muslim Council of Calgary and acted as its media spokesperson. He has hosted Vision of Islam, a weekly television show which runs throughout Alberta, Canada. He has also appeared as a speaker on Islam on various television channels, including Peace TV.
Sheikh Alaa was a member of the Calgary Multi-Faith Committee and a member of the Muslim Christian Dialogue Committee. Sheikh Alaa received the Alberta Centennial award by the Alberta Government in 2005, granted to him for his outstanding service to the Alberta community and he also received recognition from the city of Mississauga and the Members of Council for his Leadership role in 2015.
Currently Sheikh Alaa is the Director of Religious Affairs for the Islamic Centre of Canada-ISNA. Prior to that, he was the Executive Director for the Canadian Islamic Congress. Sheikh Alaa is a favourite tutor with AlKauthar Institute and Director of Public Relations for Mercy Mission World.